Sexuality Policy Watch

Genital mutilation

2.7 Genital mutilation

Since 2003, February 6th has been recognized as the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation. Surveying the Web in 2010, it is amazing to find that the day has not had much visibility this year.  It is quite significant, however, that a new law prohibiting the practice has been adopted in Uganda – especially given what is currently occurring in the country’s sexual politics landscape surrounding the anti-homosexuality bill. It is also worth noting that during the last session of the Commission on the Status of Women a resolution was also adopted that calls for the elimination of female genital mutilation.

In relation to this particular subject, SPW considers this date a key opportunity to remind sexual rights advocates and the wider public that genital mutilation is a blatant human rights violation that also impairs the heath, identity and autonomy of intersex children in all societies. We therefore bring to your attention Mauro Cabral’s vision of the broader meaning and implications of genital mutilation to be addressed each February 6th.
> Read the article In three times by Mauro Cabral (In English or Spanish)

> See UNFPA’s coverage of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation

> See news on Uganda’s decision to ban female genital mutilation

> See the CSW Resolution on the Ending female genital mutilation and others

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