Sexuality Policy Watch

Sexuality and religion

2.5 Sexuality and religion

Vatican: Read the article The Great Catholic Cover-up, by Christopher Hitchens, a columnist for Vanity Fair and the Roger S. Mertz media fellow at the Hoover Institution, on the most recent revelations about the steady complicity of the Vatican in the ongoing scandal of child rape. Read more on “Pedophilia, Ratzinger and the Catholic Church”. (English and Portuguese)

USA: Read the article Liberating the Anglican understanding of sexuality, by Savi Hensman, on the controversal election of Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool as one of the Anglican suffragan (assistant) bishops in Los Angeles, along with Canon Diane Jardine Bruce. Hensman said the her election is controversial, because she is a woman, but even more because she is openly lesbian and has been in a committed relationship since 1988.

South Africa: See the Press Statement from the First African Dialogue on Homosexuality and Christian Faith, which took place on the 2nd to 6th November 2009 in Stellenbosch South Africa.

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