Sexuality Policy Watch

SPW participates in First Meeting “La Sexualidad frente a la Sociedad”

By Gloria Careaga*

The First Latin American and Caribbean Meeting “La Sexualidad frente a la Sociedad” (Sexuality at the Forefront of Society) took place in Mexico City from July 28th to 31st, 2008. The event was organized by the Grupo de Estudios en Sexualidad y Sociedad (GESyS) of the Fundacion Arcoiris por el respeto de la Diversidad Sexual and supported by the School of Social Anthropology at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma in Puebla, the Humanities Department at UNAM in Azcapotzalco, Cuerpo Descifrado, the Psychology Department at UNAM and Sexuality Policy Watch.

The meeting agenda included five keynote speeches, 50 presentations in nine discussion sessions, two panels, a video screening and a cultural excursion. The debates centered on sexuality and included themes of migration, politics, education, health, identity, culture, religion, resistance and sexual violence, and meanings of sexuality and sexual life.

Approximately 120 researchers and activists attended the meeting from the USA, France and ten Latin American countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Peru.

Sexuality Policy Watch had a major role during the Meeting. Gloria Careaga coordinated the event, Sonia Correa, Richard Parker, Kenneth Camargo, were keynote speakers and Miguel Muñoz Laboy coordinated one discussion session.

The methodology used in the sessions favored horizontal but thorough debates on the various topics presented. Innovative social science research on sexuality in the region was disseminated and permitted the identification of new voices as well as opportunities for future collaboration among participants.

* Gloria Careaga is a member of the SPW Steering Committee

:: Posted in 09/23/2008 ::

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