Sexuality Policy Watch

Open Letter addressed to Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng

Rio de Janeiro,  August 21st,  2020

Open Letter addressed to Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng as the new United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.


Dear Dr. Mofokeng

The mandate you now hold was created in 2002 by a Brazilian initiative. Since then, Brazilian civil society and academic institutions working in the domain of public health and human rights have supported and worked closely with mandate holders.

The undersigned organizations congratulate you on your appointment, as the first woman and, especially a woman from Africa, to hold the mandate. We are sure that you will be able to sustain the mandate’s substantial and highly appraised commitment to and effective documenting of the violation of the right to health as it intersects with gender, sexuality, reproductive autonomy and HIV/AIDS, from a global South perspective.

In that regard it is also our expectation that as soon as possible you will be able to do a country mission to Brazil. Despite consistent efforts made, no previous mandate holder was able to visit the country for a documenting mission. Unfortunately, as is widely known worldwide these days, the violations of the right to health in Brazil have increased substantially in recent years – in particular since 2019 – and within the wider scope of these violations, those concerning matters pertaining to
gender, sexuality and sexual and reproductive autonomy are especially prominent and deeply traversed by class, racial and ethnic inequalities.


ABIA – Brazilian AIDS Interdisciplinary Association and its programs SPW – Sexuality Policy Watch and  GTPI – Work Group on Intellectual Property

ABRASCO – Brazilian Association of Collective Health

ANAIDS – National Association of AIDS

ANIS – Institute of Bioethics, Human Righs and Gender

ANPEP –  National Association of Research on Psychology and Politics

CEJIL Brazil – Center for Justice and International Law

CEPIA – Citizenship, Studies, Research, Information and Action

CONECTAS Human Rights

Criola – Organization of Black Women

FOAESP – Forum of NGOs on AIDS of the State of São Paulo

Doctors for Choice Brazil

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