Global: Read the article published by ARC International on the 17th session of the Human Rights Council (May 30 to June 17 2011).
Human Rights Council 17th Regular Session: General Remarks by Brazil
GENERAL REMARKS BY BRAZIL, L.9/Rev.1 Human Rights Council 17th Regular Session Agenda Item 8 Decisions L.9/Rev.1 Geneva, 17 June 2011 GENERAL REMARKS BY BRAZIL Thank you
Historic Decision at the United Nations: Human Rights Council Passes First-Ever Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
United Nations: Human Rights Council passes first-ever Resolution on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in a historic decision. Read more.
Egypt after Mubarak, by Paul Amar
Read the article Egypt after Mubarak, written by Paul Amar and published at The Nation website, about the coalition that has taken action to continue the Egyptian revolution.
The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was celebrated with hundreds of events around the world *
Global: The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) was celebrated on May 17th 2011 with hundreds of events taking place all around the world and on every continent. Read more.
Winds of change
Read the news report Winds of change on the situation of LGBT in the Middle East, published by the Australian LGBT magazine DNA.
Brazilian Supreme Court gives unanimous judgement in favour of the legal recognition of same sex partnerships
Brazil: Brazilian Supreme Court gives unanimous judgement in favour of the legal recognition of same sex partnerships. Read the ABGLT’s note.
Where have India’s baby girls gone?
Read Where have India’s baby girls gone?, published recently by The Economist presenting the data from the 2011 Indian census, which shows that there are now 914 girls aged 0-6 years old for every 1,000 boys of the same age.
Yogyakarta Principles comic strip
In October 2010, Institut Pelangi Perempuan, the Indonesian Youth Lesbian Center, launched the Yogyakarta Principles comic strip. Read the comic version and an interview published at ILGA’s website with Kamilia, a young feminist and lesbian activist currently the Executive Director of the organization.