Call for papers: The Geographies of Bodies and Borders
The fourth issue of Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research is calling for papers to be published in December 2016. In addition to
Brazil and Argentina unite in protest against culture of sexual violence
Two different protests, two different countries, but the same continent and the same cause: violence against women in “macho” Latin America.
‘Illegal, but they’re everywhere’: How women help other women get abortions
In Indonesia, where abortion is illegal, many women undergo unsafe abortions putting their lives at risk. Other times, they are forced by doctors to engage in sexual intercourse in exchange for an abortion.
Telling women to avoid pregnancy is not a solution for HIV and the Zika virus
To the development community on International Day of Action for Women’s Health: don’t curtail our rights by legitimising conservative religious ideologies.
Nauru Decriminalizes Same-Sex Conduct, Suicide
Nauru’s government has updated its archaic criminal code, striking same-sex relations and suicide off the list of crimes.
Call for Papers on Sexualities, Language, and International Politics
Mainstream activism engaging with the politics of gender and sexual-identity tends more often than not to be labelled LGBT, homosexual, gay or queer activism. This
ACTIVISTS BRIEF: Coalition of African Lesbians says NO to a Special Rapporteur on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
In June 2011, the South African government, with support from Brazil and Norway, led in the adoption of a historic resolution on sexual orientation and
DAWN Regional Advocacy Tools on SRHR for Cairo@20
DAWN is happy to make available these Regional Advocacy Tools on sexual and reproductive health and rights that have been part of our contribution to feminist mobilization for the 20th year review of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). We engaged in this important review process at regional and global levels, through analysis and advocacy, and working with partners and colleagues in civil society and governments.
Severe Financial Crisis of the IACHR Leads to Suspension of Hearings and Imminent Layoff of Nearly Half its Staff
Originally from the OAS’s website. Posted on 23/05/2016. Available at: Washington, D.C. – The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) is going through a
Trudeau OKs Canadian dollars for foreign abortion services
On the eve of the giant annual anti-abortion protest on Parliament Hill, the Justin Trudeau government has quietly removed a restriction that prevented federal foreign aid dollars being used for abortion services in other countries.