Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: Morocco

This research study was carried out by the Moroccan Family Planning Association (MFPA) in partnership with the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW), Malaysia, to generate evidence on the nature and consequences of unsafe abortions in Morocco and how religious fundamentalism (in the case of Islam) prevents adequate policies and practices for safe abortion services.

In this issue, we are proud to feature a collection of innovative and rigorous contributions. Two exceptional articles tackle archives as a historical and conceptual

Aswat Collective has condemned the arrest of two Moroccan homossexuals accused of “Homosexuality ” and “breach of public modesty”. Click here to read the Statement.

Originally published on Morocco World News on 16/06/2015. Available at: Rabat – Weekly magazine Maroc-Hebdo has come under fire after it ran a cover

Originally published on Agence France-Presse, May 8th, 2015. Health Minister El Hossein Louardi came out in support of lifting Morocco’s ban on abortion, saying women

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