Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: France

In January, reproductive rights have invaded the front pages and screens under the impact of Pope Francis’ statementurging the faithful not to reproduce as “rabbits”. 

Originally published on Paper Bird on 09/01/2015. Available at: There is no “but” about what happened at Charlie Hebdo yesterday. Some people published some cartoons, and some

During the year of 2013, sexual and reproductive rights were threatened by state decisions in various places around the world. At the year’s end, three

France’s Parliament approved a law that punishes clients who buy sexual services from prostitutes. SPW is following the debate. The case has turned a big

In October 2013 our main themes were the following: On October 10, activist Gabriela Leite, who devoted her life to fight for the rights of

Global: To mark the International Women’s Day and to highlight backs and forwards in terms of women’s current condition, SPW has gathered a series of articles, studies, news and arts in a special bulletin.

France: In February 2010, France became the first country in the world to remove transsexuality from its official list of mental disorders.

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