Feminist Alert! Nicaragua’s activists are once again victims
As SPW has been reporting monthly on how the Nicaraguan crisis develops, we report another sad event that targets feminist activists on 23 November. Activities
The Brazilian 2018 Election: A perfect catastophre?
Read Sonia Corrêa’s article on the antecedents, outcomes and meanings of the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections.
Sexual politics in October 2018
The Brazilian perfect storm We apologize for the delay in the circulation of SPW’s October 2018 monthly announcement due to the stormy process and result
How women can decide the Brazilian election
By Isabela Oliveira Kalil[1] An article published by The New York Times, on September 24, examined the Brazilian presidential election scenario and defined Jair Bolsonaro,
Women in the 2018 Brazilian elections: paradoxes and democratic resistance
By Denise Mantovani[1] and Maria Lígia Elias[2] It is not easy to analyze an electoral context in “real time”. But we cannot, however, escape from examining
Sexual politics in September 2018
September is the key moment of the year in the global struggle for abortion rights, as the 28th marks the International Safe Abortion Day. In
Changing the world with posters from ’68
The exhibition at MIMA Museum entitled “May ’68 and protest movements in posters” recollects legendary posters used as protesting political vehicles from the sixties. The
#MeToo reaches US Supreme Court
Kavanaugh and #MeToo – The Economist McConnell and Grassley Have Prevented Proper Scrutiny of Kavanaugh. That Has to End, Now. – The Nation Grassley Knows
Sexual politics in August 2018
#MourningMuseuNacional: As this announcement was being finalized, the Brazilian National Museum burned in flames. A singular and irrecoverable collection of the country’s historical and cultural
Festival ‘For Women’s Lives’ gathered feminists across the country
By Angela Freitas Feminists, networks and organizations engaged in the struggle for the right to abortion in Brazil had two months to prepare a mobilization