Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: Portugal

By João Manuel de Oliveira. The legend says that Portugal is a conservative country with a supposedly glorious past, whenever colonization and its engagement with the slave traffic eliminated from the equation. It is also described as a profoundly religious country, deeply marked by the influence of endemic Catholicism. Sociologists, using an equation

Same-sex couples will soon be able to adopt children in Portugal after lawmakers voted to overturn a presidential veto, with parliament also removing some abortion restrictions Wednesday.

In searching for English written information on the Brazilian photographer Ana Lira, we have accidentally found the remarkable work of another artist-designer whose art also

Helena Almeida is a Portuguese artist born in Lisbon in 1934. Her work is mostly composed by black and white photographic self-portraits in which she consciously

PORTUGAL: DIARY OF A PARLIAMENTARY SELL-OUT  BY THE RIGHT-WING MAJORITY PARTIES    by Duarte Vilar Executive Director, Associação para o Planeamento da Família (APF), Portugal

2.2 The same sex marriage debate > Mexico: Mexico City backs gay marriage in Latin American first (contents available in English and Spanish) > Argentina:

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