The politics of Carnival
Despite passed 400 days of JMB’s ruling, Brazil’s carnival has shown the strength of popular festivities in producing laugh and scorn. Viradouro samba school was

Queer Asia 2017 – Conference Review
By Matthew Waites. The Queer Asia conference has emerged as one of the most fresh and ground breaking conference events in global queer studies. The event is held at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, yet the organising team nevertheless managed to bring together presentations

ILGA launches State-Sponsored Homophobia report 2017
The number of countries criminalising consensual, private same-sex sexual activity between adults has decreased to 72, while the variety of law relevant to sexual orientation continues to expand steadily

Call for proposal: Astrea’s Intersex Human Rights Fund
Submit by March 15, 2017. We recognize that the entrenched practice of organizing the world into the sex binary and gender binary has alarming and

Pakistan: Transgenders to be ‘counted’ in census
Text by Fida Hussnain, originally publish at The Nation, on Jan 10, 2017. Available here. LAHORE – The Lahore High Court yesterday allowed a petition

Key Trends and Tensions in sexual politics: a commentary
It also seemed to me that the general mood of pessimism came from the fact that most of the meeting’s participants were not digital natives, not exactly the ”globalized children”. This meant – again, with notable exceptions – that we still saw activism and policy advocacy

Classifying bodies, denying freedoms
From sex to race, classification is a tool of oppression. Particularly examining abuse directed at Caster Semenya, this article looks ahead this week’s AWID International Forum’s theme ‘Bodily Integrity and Freedoms’.

Letter: trans candidates for UN Independent Expert on SOGI rights
Trans organisations signing this letter, and the activist networks they represent, celebrate the Resolution [on Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and

Call for papers: The Geographies of Bodies and Borders
The fourth issue of Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research is calling for papers to be published in December 2016. In addition to

A call for critical reflection on queer/LGBTIA+ activism in Africa
This essay looks at the complex relationship between the personal and the political in queer/LGBTIA+ organizing in Africa. It considers how current modes of organizing impact the connection between professional activism and grassroots participation and explores some of the consequences of these two intersecting factors for activist praxis.