Sexuality Policy Watch

Research Report on the Right to Education for Transgender People in China

The right to education is a fundamental right of citizens in all countries. Educational institutions play an essential role in shaping the attitudes of individuals and society. At the same time, education is a vital basis for all individuals to obtain social opportunities and resources.

In China, the right to education and quality education for trans people and the right to be respected in the learning environment still lack comprehensive and effective protection. Therefore, it is a vital human rights issue to effectively address the challenges faced by transgender people, especially transgender children and adolescents, in terms of provision of equal protection of their right to education in law and practice.

The Research Report on the Right to Education for Transgender People in China provides an important foundation for the explicit and specific integration of the right to education of trans people into the protection framework of Chinese laws and policies. The cases that this report collects through field research indicate the practical challenges that transgender people face in the full enjoyment of the right to education. The report also highlights a detailed analysis of the state obligations under the international law on the right to education, and the corresponding laws, regulations or policy measures in China. Based on thorough research and analysis, the report provides specific recommendations and good practice for the stakeholders in all areas of responsibility, including education departments and school authorities in enhancing the protection of the right to education for transgender people.

Trans people, especially transgender children and adolescents, are a very complex group of people that are easily marginalized and most vulnerable to discrimination. Transgender people’s vulnerability and specific needs in the enjoyment of the right to education should be carefully assessed and protected. At present, China is in the process of revising the Law on Protection of Minors and should take this opportunity to explicitly incorporate the right to education of transgender minors into the protection framework of the law.

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