Sexuality Policy Watch

Partners for Law in Development (PLD) launches an online database, Feminist Law Archives

The Partners for Law in Development has launched the Feminist Law Archives (FLA) to celebrate the rich and vibrant history of feminist engagement with law in India. The FLA is an online portal which chronicles the evolution of debates, perspectives and activism within the women’s movements in India by providing access to documents and advocacy materials from the movements. Here, activists and researchers can find unpublished and difficult to access memorandums, reports, petitions, articles, resolutions etc on various themes. The FLA is response to a widely felt need for historical debates to root our present understandings within the movement.

Given the scale of the task, the plan to build the FLA takes over stages. Currently, it maps the themes of sexuality, sexual violence, family law and domestic violence/marital cruelty, along with alternative lawyering practices and community-based action. In the near future, it will extend coverage to reproductive and health rights of women, economic rights and political participation, among several others.

The material you find on this website has been sourced from individuals, organizations and collectives that have been a part of the struggle, in different roles and to different extents, over the years. The archives relies upon you to share your ideas, information, advocacy materials and more! Everything you contribute will be duly acknowledged and credited.

You can access FLA at


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