Originally published at http://transrespect.org/en/new-interactive-maps-depict-situation-for-trans-persons-worldwide/
Data from Transgender Europe’s (TGEU) Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide research[1] project, TvT, is now easily accessible in a new website launched today: www.transrespect.org.
The website brings together all the research data from project, in easy-to-use and comprehensive interactive maps. The data which has been collected from 190 countries worldwide is separated into 81 maps, to allow website visitors to take a closer look, and compare country situations for the following topics: ‘Legal Situation’, ‘Health Care Situation’, ‘Social Situation’. As well as having access to ‘Trans Murder Monitoring’ reported figures since 2008, details on voting by countries on specific ‘UN Resolutions and Statements’, and mapping of the project’s research areas and cooperation partners.
“The new TvT website collates all the information that we have gathered over the past seven years in a very comprehensive manner, helping to shine a light on the different situations for trans and gender-diverse persons worldwide.” – Carla LaGata, Senior Researcher
There are many uses for the website, and researchers and activists at all levels will be able to find information that can be used in advocacy, campaigning, and research. Carla LaGata, TGEU Senior Researcher said “The new TvT website collates all the information that we have gathered over the past seven years in a very comprehensive manner, helping to shine a light on the different situations for trans and gender-diverse persons worldwide.”
“Putting together this amazing resource on the situation of trans rights worldwide has only been possible thanks to the support and help of more than 200 people from over 100 countries. However we recognise that the information is constantly changing and we encourage people to get in touch if they know of recent changes in their countries.” s_he added.
The new TvT website is sustainable and will be updated regularly. Persons who have updated information, or who spot errors in the database are encouraged to send this information to TGEU, to help keep the maps and database up to date and relevant over the years.
[1] The TvT project is TGEU’s longest ongoing research project, and includes three sub-projects; Trans Murder Monitoring, Legal and Social Mapping, and a survey on the Social Experiences of Trans and Gender-Diverse people.
For more information:
Mina Tolu, media@transrespect.org TGEU Communications Officer