Sexuality Policy Watch

In Argentina, gender marker was erased for the first time

Image: Pulsamérica
We share GATE’s Mauro Cabral personal note on this historic achievement:
“Today, for the first time since the gender identity law in Argentina was passed in 2012, a Civil Registration Office allowed a person to delete their gender marker in their legal documents. This landmark decision was achieved by the extraordinary work developed by Dr. Eleonora Lamm -one of the experts and signatories of the Yogyakarta Principles+10.

More information will be shared soon. In the meantime, we can celebrate 3 important facts:
(1) the gender identity law in Argentina can be effectively used to dismantle the gender binary ;
(2) Principle 31* in the YP+10 is not only “aspirational”; quite the contrary, It can be, and it will be, a reality;
(3) against all odds, there is hope!

* Principle 31 of the Yogyakarta Principles + 10 states:

“The Right to Legal Recognition

Everyone has the right to legal recognition without reference to, or requiring assignment or disclosure of, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics. Everyone has the right to obtain identity documents, including birth certificates, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics. Everyone has the right to change gendered information in such documents while gendered information is included in them.”

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