Sexuality Policy Watch

The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was celebrated with hundreds of events around the world *

The IDAHO Committee, the organization promoting the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia worldwide, has received communications about events in over 70 countries across the world. This year, several countries saw their first ‘IDAHO’ celebrations, countries like Burkina Faso, Fiji or Trinidad and Tobago.

The Day was also marked by a strong increase in mobilization levels in several countries, and specifically in the United States of America where many local organizations, for the first time, used the Day as an opportunity for campaigning, mobilization, outreach or lobbying. In other countries, the Day has been confirmed as a major national annual landmark with activities taking place on an ever increasing scale, often uniting hundreds of events and making it to generalized media headlines, such as in Brazil, France, the UK, Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Spain, Italy, etc.

Read the IDAHO 2011 Communiqué – Global mobilisation across over 70 countries.

* This content was pubslihed at IDAHO’s website

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