Sexuality Policy Watch

Sex worker conference under attack by Government in Uganda

(From Sogi List – by Kasha .N. Jacqueline, Executive Director, Freedom and Roam Uganda)

The Akina Mama Wa Afrika Conference for the Commercial Sex Workers Leaderhip Institute that would be held from November 18-20, 2010, at the Serena Hotel, in Uganda, was cancelled. This happened because the Minister of Ethics and Integrity Hon Buturo directed the hotel to cancel their booking as they were hosting a conference for a certain group that is illegal (read the letter from the Hotel and de Minister).

In his letter to the hotel the Minister states that prostitution is illegal and so should the hotel go ahead and host this conference on their premises they would be complying with illegalities.

Stopping the conference being organized by Akina Mama was Afrika openly contradicts these recommendations and guidelines to fight against HIV/AIDS in Uganda.

FARUG – Freedom and Roam Unganda calls on the Minister and Government of Uganda to apologies for the trouble his intervention has caused and reverse his absurd decision (read the call to action).


In 2008 the same Minister stopped a sex workers confence which was scheduled to take place in Entebbe and the conference had to relocate and have the confence in Mombasa, this time around the conference unlike in 2008 had started.

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