Sexuality Policy Watch

US november election forecast: an authocracy in sight? – compilation


If Trump Wins – NY Times

Why Trump’s Second Victory Would Be Worse – The Nation

The Theocratic Blueprint for Trump’s Next Term – The Nation

Why a Second Trump Presidency May Be More Radical Than His First – NY Times

Under Trump, the DOJ Will Become the Legal Wing of the MAGA Movement – The Nation

Project 2025 Is Already Here – In These Times

Presidential historian warns second Trump term would lead to ‘dictatorship and anarchy’ – Yahoo

Trump raises new alarms, saying he wouldn’t be a ‘dictator’ except on ‘Day One’ – ABC

Three-quarters of Republicans back Trump being ‘dictator for a day’ – Washington Post

If Trump wins, what would hold him back? – Vox

How Trump’s second term could be different from his first – The Hill

A Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to the American Century – The Nation

If Trump wins, he could weaponize U.S. spy services against his domestic political enemies, former intel officers warn – NBC

Trump’s Obsession With Revenge: A Big Post-Verdict Danger – Mother Jones

Every Awful Thing Trump Has Promised to Do in a Second Term – Rolling Stones


Democracia dos EUA pode conter Trump condenado e eleito presidente? – Folha de São Paulo

Trump 2.0 será mais poderoso e sem espaço para infiéis, diz plano de aliados – Folha de São Paulo

O que Trump sinaliza de autocrático para um segundo mandato – Nexo

Opinião: elogios de Trump a ditadores dá dicas sobre como pode ser seu governo – CNN

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