Sexuality Policy Watch

South Africa 2024 election: compilation (English, Portuguese and Spanish)

‘A.N.C. Has Been Humbled’: a Couple’s Vote Explains Why – NY Times

South Africa’s ANC wants a national unity government: What is it? – AlJazeera

South Africa’s ANC will seek national unity government, Ramaphosa says – AlJazeera

South Africa’s ANC seeks coalition after historic election slump – AlJazeera

Who Will Govern South Africa? – The Nation

The ANC dilemma which will determine South Africa’s future – BBC

After South Africa’s historic election, what now for its global role on issues like the war in Gaza? – Washington Post

What’s Next for South Africa After Voters Rebuked Its Reigning Party? – NY Times

Can South Africa’s ANC reinvent itself after dismal election result? – BBC

South Africa’s ANC faces tough decisions after losing majority – The Guardian

Nelson Mandela’s party has been dealt a seismic election blow. Where does it leave South Africa? – CNN

South Africa to embark on new political path after ANC loses majority – The Guardian

Jacob Zuma Gets His Revenge on South African Party That Shunned Him – NY Times

South African Voters Reject the Party That Freed Them From Apartheid – NY Times

South Africa Is Not a Metaphor – NY Times


Após perda histórica nas eleições da África do Sul, partido de Mandela terá que disputar a presidência com oposição – G1

Partido de Mandela perde 71 assentos no Parlamento e vai negociar alianças – Folha de São Paulo

Eleições na África do Sul encerram três décadas de domínio do ANC – Agência Brasil


Fin de época en Sudáfrica – El País

El partido que libró del ‘apartheid’ a Sudáfrica pierde las elecciones generales 30 años después – Euronews

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