Sexuality Policy Watch

India anti-muslims pogrom: news, analysis and condemnation

Source: Reuters

“The violence unleashed against Muslims in Delhi by armed Hindu mobs during President Donald Trump’s visit to India is a portent and a lesson. […] More than an echo of the past, the recent violence in Delhi is a lesson aimed at Indian citizens who, since December, have dared to resist the transformation of the secular Republic of India into a Hindu state, a transformation accelerated by Modi’s reelection last May”. Read The Atlantic and more below.

Arundhati Roy on Delhi violence: ‘This is our version of the coronavirus. We are sick’ –

Narendra Modi’s Reckless Politics Brings Mob Rule to New Delhi – The Wire

Calculated Chaos: The Delhi Riots Are Exactly What CAA Is About – The Wire

As Delhi burned, institutions looked away – The Hindu

Editorial: The BJP Has Wilfully Let Delhi Burn -The Wire

UN Rights Chief Highlights Concern Over CAA, Anti-Muslim Violence, Police Force – The Wire

What Happened in Delhi Was a Pogrom – The Atlantic

Why Delhi violence has echoes of the Gujarat riots – BBC

Anti-Muslim violence in Delhi serves Modi well – The Guardian

How the Indian government watched Dehli burn – New Yorker

How Hindu supremacists are tearing India apart – The Guardian

The Roots of the Delhi Riots: A Fiery Speech and an Ultimatum -New York Times

Anti-Muslim violence in India reaches alarming proportions – TRT World

Citizenship riots in Delhi turn deadly while Trump talks up religious unity in India – ABC

Trump Praises Modi’s India, as Muslims Are Beaten on the Streets and a Mosque Is Defiled – The Intercept

Anti-Muslim Pogrom in India Leaves Dozens Killed Amidst a Programme of Rape and Arson – Red Revolution

Can religious violence in India be contained? – Al Jazeera

Modi slammed as death toll in New Delhi violence rises – Al Jazeera

At least 25 killed in India violence: Latest updates – Al Jazeera

‘Red Alert’: Anti-Muslim Violence in India Reaching Critical Levels as Homes and Businesses Burn and at Least 24 Dead – Common Dreamns

In Photos: Death and desperation in northeast Delhi’s hospitals – The Caravan Magazine

New Delhi Streets Turn Into Battleground, Hindus vs. Muslims – New York Times

Delhi Woman, 85, Trapped As Mob Set Her Home On Fire, Choked To Death – NDTV

India: Footage appears to show police attack on Jamia students – New York Times

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