Sexuality Policy Watch

COVID-19: Conservative religious actors


Contesting science and misinformation

Ofcom: Christian TV network aired Covid-19 conspiracies – The Guardian

Nigerian pastor spread covid-19 conspiracies and disinformation – Global Voices

Two-thirds of US believers see Covid-19 as message from God, poll finds – The Guardian

Tensions over closing cults

Donald Trump orders governors to allow places of worship to reopen – The Guardian

Supreme court rejects California church appeal on coronavirus service limits – The Guardian

Trump ordered states to open churches. Can he do that? – Politico

Flying the Virgin 

Italian Air  Force  flies the VIrgin over Italy – Advent Messenger

La Negrita will be flown over Costa Rica – Costa Rica News

Virgin of Fatima flies over El Salvador  – Explica


Bishop refutes UK norm that allows telemedicine abortion – ACI


Bishops in Kenya  campaign against comprehensive sexuality education – ACIA



Church forgives sins of those stricken by virus – France 24

Brazilian church wins court battle to remain open despite coronavirus – The Guardian

Florida megachurch pastor arrested for breaching Covid-19 health order – The Guardian

Coronavirus: Trump cabinet’s pastor blames gay people for ‘wrath of God’ – Independent

Israeli rabbi: Coronavirus outbreak is divine punishment for gay pride parades – Times of Israel

Pastor: Coronavirus is God’s Punishment for Legalized Abortion and Gay Marriage – Friendly Atheist

Religious leaders: Coronavirus is punishment, sign of the messiah’s coming – Jerusalem Post

Right-wing pastor Curt Landry says Christians must listen to Trump about the coronavirus rather than health experts because Trump was chosen by God and therefore has greater spiritual authority – Right Wing Watch

Right-Wing Congressman Rationalizes Pastors Taking Federal Coronavirus Cash: ‘The Government Created This Situation’ – Right Wing Watch

As U.S. Economy Falters, Right-Wing Groups Warn of Socialism, Call for U.S. to Go Back to Work – Right Wing Watch

“Masks now, Burkas next – get ready” – Twitter

Will Team Trump Use Coronavirus Crisis to Further Dismantle Church-State Wall? – Right Wing Watch


As Italy’s coronavirus fears spike, all public Masses suspended until April 3 – Crux Now

Pope’s secretary warns people will abandon Church if Church abandons them amid virus – Crux Now

Rome reopens churches after pope cautions against taking ‘drastic measures’ – Crux Now

Pope Francis prays for end to covid-19 on Rome’s empty streets – Metro News

Vatican official tells religious orders to obey ‘state and ecclesial’ authorities during COVID-19 crisis – Crux Now

Vatican says general absolution may be permissible during pandemic – Crux Now

Nearly 60 nuns test positive for COVID-19 at two convents outside Rome – Crux Now

Priests in India face charges for breaking COVID-19 restrictions on mass gatherings – Crux Now


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