Sexuality Policy Watch

Delhi High Court has struck down the Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code

Delhi High Court has struck down the Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code

On July, 2nd 2009 the two century old anti-sodomy law in India has been struck down by the Delhi High Court. After years of struggle in the court, this is a very special days in the ongoing struggles for sexual rights. SPW congratulates to all involved in this proccess.

Read below information on this victory.

> The judgment

> India: Court Strikes Down ‘Sodomy’Law (HRW)

> Indian High Court: Gay Sex is Legal (ILGA)

> India: Historic ruling against “sodomy” laws, the first step to equality (Amnesty International)

> Statement on the delhi high court’s decision on section 377 of the Indian Penal Code from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

> See Anand Grover on skype for the press conference in India

> India Decriminalizes Gay Sex (The Huffington Post)

> Indian Court Overturns Gay Sex Ban (NY Times)

> Gay Bombay website

Read more:

> Update on ongoing resistance to the Indian anti-sodomy law – by Radhika Ramassuban

> This Alien Legacy: The Origins of ‘Sodomy’ Laws in British Colonialism (HRW report – 2008)

377 – And the unnatural afterlife of British colonialism – by Douglas Sanders

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