UN aid worker suspended for leaking report on child abuse by French troops
The French Army was plunged into a scandal after a UN report came into public in the last few weeks. While French prosecutors announced a criminal investigation to punish peacekeeping troops at Central African Republican accused of raping children and exchanging food for sex, the investigator nominated by the UN to review the case was suspended.
Ecuador’s Left punishes women rights
by By Manuela L. Picq* A debate on abortion suspended the voting on the new penal code in the Ecuadorian Congress this week. Congresswoman Soledad Buendía,
The sex-for-food scandal in Central African Republic
Originally published on Aljazeera on May/2015. Available at: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2015/05/sex-food-scandal-central-african-republic-150505071049079.html French soldiers patrol a street in Bangui [AFP] Hisham Aidi* In late March, a report commissioned
France launches criminal inquiry into alleged sex abuse by peacekeepers
Originally published on The Guardian on 07/05/2015. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/07/france-criminal-inquiry-alleged-sex-abuse-french-soldiers-un-central-african-republic Prosecutors announce investigation into claims French soldiers raped children on peacekeeping operation in Central African
India bans movie bringing an interview with murder girl victim of gang rape
An Indian Court has banned a movie in which one of the men convicted in the murder of a woman victim of a gan rape
Sexual Violence, Women’s Bodies, and Israeli Settler Colonialism
Read Jadaliyya’s article Sexual Violence, Women’s Bodies, and Israeli Settler Colonialism, which reflects on the violence against Palestinian women
Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime
Originally published on NYT on 05/10/2014. Available at: Taken from: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/06/opinion/pedophilia-a-disorder-not-a-crime.html By MARGO KAPLAN OCT. 5, 2014 CAMDEN, N.J. — THINK back to your first childhood crush.
Organization of American States Links Abortion Restrictions to Violence Against Women; Calls on Governments to Decriminalize Abortion
Originally from Reproductive Rights. Available at: http://www.reproductiverights.org/press-room/oas-links-abortion-restrictions-to-violence-against-women-calls-governments-to-decriminalize-abortion 10.03.14 – (PRESS RELEASE) For the first time ever a committee within the Organization of American States (OAS)—considered to be the United
‘Yes Means Yes’ Is a Bad Coupling of Feminism and the State
By Laurie Essig California’s enacting on Sunday of the “yes means yes” law is a victory for some campus feminist activists but an ill-conceived detour
Sexual and reproductive rights global landscape in August 2014
In August, the Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW) published the outcomes from the three Regional Dialogues organized in Asia (2009), Latin America (2009) and Africa (2010)