Aid agencies and sexual misconduct
On February 15, Oxfam entered the role of sexual abuse scandals after the #MeToo movement swept over Hollywood and other organizations, reaching further spheres, such

Haiti: Legal abortion is proposed in the Penal Code reform
Originally published on IciHaiti on 02/02/2016. Available at: During a restitution workshop of the draft of the new Code of Criminal Procedure which will

Working Paper No. 8 – Biopolitics at the Crossroads of Sexuality and Disaster: The Case of Haiti, by Rosalind P. Petchesky
SPW Working Paper N. 8 presents the remarkable analysis developed by Rosalind Petchesky, member of SPW Steering Committee, on the biopolitics of the militarized humanitarian

Earthquake in Haiti
Haiti: The SPW team is shocked with the disaster that devastated Haiti on January 12, 2010, the thousands of deaths and the many risks that may ensue the disaster that has been catastrophic for every sector of society, including Haiti’s feminist and LGBTI communities.