The ‘state’ and sexual politics: An interview with Gloria Careaga
On March 2016, we relaunched our Spanish website that (among other things) provides access to the Spanish translation of Queering the Public Sphere in Mexico

LGBT festival in Ukraine abandoned after far-right protest
Rightwing groups surrounded hotel in Lviv where about 70 participants in the equality festival had gathered.

Nigerian lawmakers voted down a women equality bill citing the Bible and Sharia law
Originally posted on QZ on 15/03/2016. Available at: Nigerian lawmakers on Tuesday (Mar.15), voted against a gender and equal opportunities bill (pdf). The bill,

Reports from Portugal’s recent changes in abortion law – International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion
PORTUGAL: DIARY OF A PARLIAMENTARY SELL-OUT BY THE RIGHT-WING MAJORITY PARTIES by Duarte Vilar Executive Director, Associação para o Planeamento da Família (APF), Portugal

Gender and sexuality at the June 2015 Turkish Elections
One political event to be noted as relevant from a gender and sexuality perspective was the electoral defeat of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on
Fundamentalists Ramp Up Attacks on Human Rights Group in El Salvador
By Kathy Bougher September 2, 2014 – 7:24 pm Fundamentalist groups in El Salvador have escalated their media attacks against the “Freedom for the 17”

Putin’s homophobic nationalism
Read Zillah Eisenstein’s article about Putin’s homophobic nationalism. The author says that “right-wing rhetoric, demonizing homosexuals and feminists is an attempt to stimulate his waning

Neo-nazis make suastic graffities on the walls of a Brazilian non-governmental gay organization
By Alexandre Boer* The headquarter of the Brazilian gay organization SOMOS – Communication, Health & Sexuality, from Porto Alegre – capital of Rio Grande do