The Trumping of global sexual politics: a preliminary assessment
By Sonia Corrêa In the first two weeks of his administration Donald Trump has opened a can of worms spreading around draconian and regressive conservative

Reflections on Trump, by Judith Butler
My own sense is that Trump unleashed a rage that has several objects and several causes, and we should probably be skeptical of those who claim to know the true cause and the exclusive object. The condition of economic devastation and disappointment, the loss of hope in the face of an economic future brought on by economic

Women’s march against Trump: news and analyses
Massive and global women’s protest raged through the world and stormed the headlines in a historical action to protest and mark a clear standpoint against

Donald Trump Reinstates the ‘Global Gag Rule’
In one of his first acts as president, Donald Trump has reinstated a federal ban on U.S. funding for international health organizations that counsel women

How the LGBT Community Can Fight Back Against Trump
After every major LGBT rights group in America campaigned in support of Donald Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton, it came as little surprise that Trump won

Diverse voices: civil society at the 8th BRICS summit
By Laura Trajber Waisbich . As a first exercise, we will give a brief background to how social participation has been played out in the BRICS. After one full cycle of BRICS chairmanships, since South Africa joined the group in 2011, civil society engagement with the BRICS (both at the national level and internationally) has evolved significantly, albeit in a setting constantly full of obstacles.

Trump’s victory: a preliminary cartography
From the SPW perspective, Trump arrival to power is just another chapter in a chain of conservative restorations sweeping world politics in recent years of which the demise of the Arab spring in vortex of wars and dictatorship followed by the 2014 election of the BJP in India can be eventually considered the starting points.
US Elections: A statement from Judith Butler
There are two questions that voters in the US from the left of center are asking themselves: Who are these people who voted for

Understanding and resisting Trump: a wide range of views
Donald Trump, after defeating Hillary Clinton in an extremely polarized election, will be the 45th President of the United States. This result prompted visceral and
Sex, gender and far right’s global attack
In fact, “gender ideology” is an invention of the right. It’s a hodgepodge of disparate ideas developed by a diverse group of thinkers over the past 50 years, linked mainly in the minds of its opponents. It doesn’t really exist beyond its creators’ manifestos and protest banners, but it’s already helped them score some very real victories.