Did an Anti-LGBT Panic Help Defeat Colombia’s Peace Deal?
Read the full article on American Quarterly When thousands of Colombians protested on August 10 to demand the resignation of the country’s openly gay education

India – Gender in Medical Education: Perceptions of Medical Educators
The study findings point to the need for a nuanced understanding of gender among medical educators and students. The introduction of gender could pave the way for an opening up of medicine to delve deeper into how signifiers such as class, caste, gender etc. have a bearing on health. The medical curriculum and training must undergo fundamental changes to integrate gender so as to ensure the creation of a gender-sensitive and socially-relevant medical force in the country.

Literature Review of LGBT Youth in Pakistan
NAZ Pakistan is committed to working with youth who identify as sexual and gender minorities. As a first step to establish a baseline, the technical

One way to escape the tyranny of gendered languages: emojis
Women, girls and femme-presenting people are more than flamenco dancers and brides. And thanks to a a new update by Apple and a freshly-approved emoji proposal from Google, they may finally
differences’ new issue: Transatlantic Gender Crossings
The most recent issue of differences, “Transatlantic Gender Crossings,” edited by Anne Emmanuelle Berger and Éric Fassin, addresses French and US feminism, gender, and queer

Clinical Teaching for LGBT Health at the Point of Care
“Do you live with your husband, too?” the second-year medical student asked, innocently enough. It was our first visit with this patient, a healthy middle-aged African American woman. We were just chatting, trying to get to know her, and I had picked up on little clues in our conversation that had already led me to conclude that there was no husband in the picture. The medical student, though, didn’t seem to have picked up on this and, I thought, was trying to get at her sexual history by asking, instead, about her husband.

WHO/TDR International Postgraduate Scholarship for Master of Public Health – Call for Applications for Academic Year 2017-2018
The Master of Public Health (MPH) is calling for international application for the academic year of 2017-18. In January 2005, James P Grant School of Public

New GenderIT edition: three key issues for a feminist internet: Access, agency and movements
The Feminist Principles of the Internet arose from the first Imagine a Feminist Internet meeting in 2014 in Malaysia. The meeting brought together 52 women’s rights, sexual rights and internet rights activists from six continents to discuss one question: “As feminists, what kind of internet do we want, and what will it take for us to achieve it?”

Who’s Afraid of Simone de Beauvoir? How a National Exam Had Millions of Brazilians Talking About Gender
In the end of October, seven million young people had to sit and think about the persistence of violence against women in Brazil. This was the essay theme of the National High School Exam (ENEM) — a Brazilian standardized test that is mandatory to compete for a place in the country’s public universities.

Essay: Why BDS is a feminist issue
Read Aljazeera‘s article highlighting the ongoing discussion within the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA), the largest academic feminist organisation in North America, about a resolution