Sexuality Policy Watch

Tag Archives: disability

English COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights – UN experts COVID-19: Who is protecting the people with disabilities? – Special

English COVID-19 fears should not be exploited to attack and exclude minorities – UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues “Unacceptable”: UN expert urges better protection of

Originally posted at the Cerebral Palsy Guidance. Available at: Having cerebral palsy (CP) and being gay appears to be a double-edged sword for numerous

Originally posted at the RHM (Reproductive Health Matters)Journal in 2016:  The forthcoming issue of RHM, which is produced in partnership with CREA, and co-edited with

As we all know, the news is filled with discussions regarding the Zika virus, microcephaly, access to abortion, and women’s sexual and reproductive rights—sometimes from

This article argues that strong policy frameworks are required to support the health and well-being of sex workers, disabled people, and disabled sex workers. Through an examination of the context of sex work in Canada, it articulates the flaws of sex work criminalization and the persistent barriers that criminalization creates.

Originally published on Equal Rights Trust on 2015. Available at: The Equal Rights Trust is accepting papers for the sixteenth edition of its Equal

Originally published on Rewire on 22/10/2014. Available at: by s.e. smith October 22, 2014 – 5:27 pm   On September 29, the American Academy of

By Erin Matson, Editor at Large, RH Reality Check September 24, 2014 – 2:41 pm All over the country, from Denver to Minneapolis and beyond,

The FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University has launched the 5th Edition of the Health and Human Rights Resource Guide. The

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