Delhi High Court has struck down the Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code
India: The New Delhi High Court decriminalized homosexual intercourse between consenting adults, by striking down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.

Section 377 repealed of the Indian Penal Code
Section 377 repealed of the Indian Penal Code Preliminary views, we need to read the judgment carefully: Question 1) Is this judgment only applicable in

SPW Newsletter, N.4 – September, 2008
In this issue learn what SPW has been doing since April, including the events we organized to coincide with the International AIDS Conference in Mexico City. Read also about global and local events involving sexuality, politics, religion and economics, as well as recent sexuality/sexual rights advocacy, in particular at the UN Human Rights Council. See what projects and events connect art and sexuality and browse listings of upcoming events, scholarships, job opportunities and publications.

Anand Grover appointed the Special Rapporteur on Health by the Human Rights Council
By Angela Collet* On June 8th, the Human Rights Council approved the appointment of Anand Grover as the new Special Rapporteur on the right of

Update on ongoing resistance to the Indian anti-sodomy law
By Radhika Ramassuban* India continues to have on its statute books a 150-year-old anti-sodomy law enacted in the mid-nineteenth century by the British colonizers in

Uruguay: Perspectives on the abortion front
Alejandra López Gómez* The Reproductive Health Policy Law (Law 18.426), finally promulgated by the Executive in Uruguay on November 20th, 2008, was substantially different in

A Briefing of Two Meetings on Human Trafficking
Svati Shah* Along with shifts in the global economy and a new presidential administration in the U.S.A., 2008 also brought the possibility of change in