Sexuality Policy Watch

About Us

Chairs & Staff

SPW Secretariat is based at the Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association (ABIA) and it is co-chaired by Richard Parker and Sonia Corrêa.

Richard Parker is Professor Emeritus of Sociomedical Sciences and Anthropology and member of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University, president of the Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS (ABIA), and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Global Public Health. Sonia Corrêa has been involved in research and advocacy activities related to gender equality, health and sexuality, from the late 1970s. She has published extensively in Portuguese, English and Spanish and lectured in various academic institutions. She is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Palgrave Book Series Global Queer Politics. Both Richard and Sonia are also members of the Editorial Board of the Routledge Book Series Sexuality, Culture and Health.

The current SPW staff is composed by Nana Soares, Tatiane Amaral, Fábio Grotz and Marcelle Matias.

Nana Soares is a writer and researcher on gender, sexualities and human rights, having published in multiple vehicles in Brazil and abroad. She studied Journalism at the University of São Paulo (USP) and has a Masters in Gender and Development by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS/UK). She works as Project Officer at SPW since 2021.

Tatiane M. Amaral is a PhD candidate in International Relations at the San Tiago Dantas Graduate Program (UNESP, UNICAMP, PUC-SP). She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from PUC-Rio and has experience with gender, family and sexuality in international relations. She works as Project Officer at SPW since 2023.

Fábio Grotz Majerowicz is a journalist who graduated from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and a PhD in Social Communication, also from UERJ. He is experienced in the fields of Human Rights and Organizational Communication. Fábio has been collaborating with SPW since 2013, and he is currently Communications Officer.

Marcelle Matias is graduated in Educommunication at the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). She conducted research on Brazilian television (2018) and digital violence (2019) under the Unified Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students at USP. She works as a social media manager, graphic facilitator, media, race, gender and human rights researcher. She works as a communications officer at SPW.

Since its creation in 2002, SPW has had the partnership and collaboration of more than a hundred researchers and activists. Many of them have participated in advisory groups, an even larger number have collaborated with our various transnational research projects, as editors of research reports, as trainees, as partners in the many intersectional initiatives in which we have been involved or even as participants in events and debates that we have promoted over these many years. It is not possible to name all these people here, some of whom have already passed away. But to all of them we leave our immense gratitude for their trust and generosity.

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