Anti-gender politics and policies in Brazil: Submitted to the Mandate of the United Nations Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
In order to more fully understand the political and policy atmosphere in relation to gender, sexuality and human rights in Brazil it is necessary to

Brazil’s review by the CEDAW: contributions
Contributions to the List of Issues Prior to Reporting of the review of Brazil by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

CEDAW AD HOC Committee

Brazil in the UPR: Shadow Report presented in 2019
The SPW is pleased to offer the part-time report produced by civil society regarding the country’s assessment in the UN Universal Periodic Review 2017. The

IESOGI Report on Conversion Therapy
“Conversion therapy” practices Key findings PDF: English | Spanish | Portuguese Full Report PDF: English
Putas Against COVID-19 in Brazil
Prostitution is recognized as a profession by the Ministry of Labor in Brazil. It is a foundational economy for thousands of families and red light

“Our Atlas of Hate Denounces Anti-LGBT Polish Municipalities”
For some time now, many Polish municipalities, provinces and regions have been approving a series of resolutions which, more or less explicitly, aim to target

Smart Guide: Recognising Sex Workers as Experts
This Smart Person’s Guide is a tool to support sex workers and their allies in advocating for the recognition of sex workers’ expertise. Sex workers’

Brazil’s pronunciation at the Nairobi Summit ICPD25
The world has undergone several changes in recent decades, such as declining population growth, aging populations, increased external and internal migratory movements, epidemiological transition, rising

Research Report on the Right to Education for Transgender People in China
The right to education is a fundamental right of citizens in all countries. Educational institutions play an essential role in shaping the attitudes of individuals