Sexuality Policy Watch

News and analysis

Originally posted by Srilatha Batliwala, Geetanjali Misra and Nafisa Ferdous at Open Demoracy on 03/10/2016. Available at: As feminist thinkers and activists, we must

In Mexico and in Latin America the intersex community faces similar problems to those faced by intersex people elsewhere in the world, with some local quirks. Medical protocols still include genital mutilation, and these practices are justified as necessary to “normalize” genital appearance and so avoid problems in social interactions.

Originally posted by Clare Coultas at the LSE blog on 14/09/2016. Available at:  LSE’s Clare Coultas questions the portrayal of love in global sexual

In an effort to ensure that ARASA partner civil society organisations (CSOs) have improved capacity to advocate and strengthen capacities of other CSOs, ARASA implements

Women’s Health and Equal Rights Initiative (WHER) has launched its first issue of Empower newsletter, aimed at promoting a deeper conceptual understanding of gender and

China’s interactions with the global South have been the subject of much attention and study from both inside and outside the country. Yet issues of gender and sexuality have been largely ignored.

From sex to race, classification is a tool of oppression. Particularly examining abuse directed at Caster Semenya, this article looks ahead this week’s AWID International Forum’s theme ‘Bodily Integrity and Freedoms’.

Originally posted by Laurent Ribabeau Dimas at Francetvinfo on 19/08/2016, translated to English by SPW.’s team  Tunisia is the only Arab country to authorize the

Originally published at the International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion’s website on 30/08/2016 Available at: A judicial constitutional review was filed before the

  The  most commented sport modalities of the Rio Olympics were the gender relations obstacle course competition, racism target shooting and out-of-closet leaping by Fernando Seffner[1]

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